Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Tamarindo to Samara, Costa Rica

Our next stop down the coast of Pacific Costa Rica was the popular surfing community of Tamarindo.

This picture perfect beach was a great place to hang out and we found the town to be a fun mix of surf shops, good restaurant/ bars and a variety of shops selling goods made here in CR. The people are amazing friendly and many of them spoke English, happy to practice language skills with us.

Unfortunately, what makes for good surfing makes for poor anchorage...swell of the waves coming in from the ocean. We anchored in an area that appeared to be safe near the mooring bouys where the other boats were located. We dug the anchor in well since the bottom was rock and sand mixed, but when the afternoon wind picked up we still found our boat dragging anchor. One afternoon we found ourselves racing back to the boat in a local panga as two other local pangas held lines on our boat to keep it from dragging anchor towards the reef! Too close for comfort, we up anchored that afternoon and moved to a safer anchorage for the night. S/V Gaia and S/V Mabruka were anchored near us and they both dragged anchor as well, just not as much since their boats are much lighter. Once the wind picks up the rocky bottom just can't hold the boats sufficiently. Thank goodness for the kind hearted locals who helped save Sirena!

Onward southeast towards the Gulfo de Nicoya we sailed past verdant rocky islets lush with tropical flora.

The passage south afforded us some great sailing weather along Costa Rica's Pacific coast. Thanks to Roy from S/V Mabruka for the photos of Sirena under sail!

We had a visitor along the way.

Did some fishing too!

We stopped briefly in an anchorage in Bahia Samara with a tiny island protecting it from the ocean swell and we enjoyed some beautiful sunsets.

Island at Bahia Samara. I swam the 1/2 mile out to the island one morning and enjoyed the most perfect clean white sand ever known to exist.

Sirena at anchor in Bahia Samara on a cloudy afternoon.

Sirena and Mabrouka at anchor in Samara

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