Tuesday, August 2, 2016

Manuel Antonio National Park

One of the gems of Costa Rica's park system is Parque National Manuel Antonio. Comprising nearly 1,700 acres of land and 136,000 acres of marine habitat it contains many of Costa Rica's most unique animals, many of them endangered. There are marked trails throughout the park, so visitors may wander at will through the jungle and see several species of monkey and two species of tree sloths amongst the 109 mammal species and 184 bird species found here.

Ubiquitous deer seem to be the same as back home 
and they make for good prey for the large wild cats here including Cougars and Jaguars.

A Costa Rican Raccoon

Well camouflaged with fur the color of tree bark, 
this tree sloth sits at the junction of several branches with his back to the camera 

 In this photo he turns slightly to look over his left shoulder.

A yellow boa constrictor hangs overhead in Playa Biesanz.

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